A highly entertaining, at times wistful comedy, about what it means to grow up and take responsibility for ourselves and our wishes.
A “mirror” comedy about tourists searching for real life and a family that shatters to pieces. After failing as a scriptwriter and seeking her fortune abroad, Matilde returns to Sicily and tries her hand at being a tour guide for a strange American company. The company’s aim is that the clients, enthusiastic, inebriated seventy-somethings, become so involved in her tour that they almost become her temporary family – a difficult task for someone who, like her, has been brought up to be cautious. Her father talks only to cats and spends his time shut in his old Audi, her mother won’t venture past the church and the supermarket, and her grandmother fears strangers intruding on her. The only person they trust is the carer who, however, vanishes, putting in danger both Matilde’s real family and her temporary one. Therefore, she must overcome her insecurities and learn truly to take care of others, because, deep down, we all need a “guide” in our lives.
Mari Accardi (1977) was born in Palermo. A graduate in Languages, she won the Subway-Letteratura competition in 2008. She has published short stories in several magazines and was selected by Granta for the issue “What We Write About When We Write About Italy”, dedicated to new Italian writers. Her novels, Il posto più strano dove mi sono innamorata and Ma tu divertiti were published by Terre di mezzo.
Length: 192 pp
Pub date: June 2024
Gazzetta di Mantova
Simonetta Bitasi
La Sicilia e i suoi paesaggi un libro che regala sorrisi
Il venerdì
Giuliano Aluffi
Matilde, guida abusiva scopre la "sua" Sicilia
La Sicilia
Lorenzo Marotta
Lo spaccato di umanità della palermitana Mari Accardi
Il posto delle parole
Livio Partiti
Mari Accardi, Non ho tempo per andare al mare
Casa Lettori
Maria Anna Patti
"Non ho tempo per andare al mare", Mari Accardi
Lucia Libri
Alessandra Chiappori
Mari Accardi, il richiamo della Sicilia e i turisti “audaci”
Nuovo Sud
Palermo, alla Libreria Tante Storie si presenta romanzo di Mari Accardi
La Repubblica
Martina Occhipinti
Il pensiero mediterraneo
Marisa Cecchetti
“Non ho tempo per andare al mare” un libro di Mari Accardi
Il mestiere di leggere
Pina Bertoli
Non ho tempo per andare al mare
Vanity Fair
Laura Pezzino
Nuove famiglie
Mariangela Cutrone
Vivere la propria esistenza con “audacia”.
Io donna
Eleonora Giovinazzo
Il giro del mondo in 10 libri: i consigli estivi dei librai
Corriere della Sera - Futura
Mari Accardi
A che ora arrivi?
Sesta Rete Tv
Antonella Insabella
Intervista a Mari Accardi
Rai radio 2 - Caterpillar
(Dal minuto 1.06 in poi)
Caterpillar del 17/12/2024