During the days of Advent in 1943, a fight between Resistance partisans and fascists is the beginning of Resistance fight in Valsesia. Within the rebels there’s a young University student, Jacopo Belbo, who left his family and girlfriend to join the Garibaldi Brigate sled by Cino Moscatelli. Young Umberto Dedali, ten years old, lives with his grandparents and dreams about doing just the same. All he craves is to take aim with a gun, and he decides he’ll write his Christmas letter to Moscatelli instead of Baby Jesus as he’s used to. Every day, in the evening, he puts up the Nativity Scene with his grandfather’s brother, Italo Trabucco, a retired teacher, who came back in the little town of Borgosesia after having spent his life and career in Vercelli, and feels now forced by the present events to confront himself with his own inadequacy. Until one day, with no plain reason, Italo gets arrested and tortured within other twenty people, and only by chance he’s out of the ten who will be executed.
‘Partigiano Inverno’, finalist at the Premio Calvino 2011, rewrites the Resistance after seventy years, elevating it to the status of paradigm of any shock breaking the everyday life, burning and hurting. With a very original expressionist style, Giacomo Verri declines in the present tense the huge experience of a scratch that changed personal histories long before the History we find written in books.
Giacomo Verri was born in Borgosesia (Vercelli) in 1978. He teaches in the middle school. His first novel Partigiano inverno was finalist at the Premio Calvino in 2011 and is translated in dutch.
Pub date: October 2012
Length: 240 pp
Finalista XXIV Premio Italo Calvino 2011