Nowadays, people who are well-off can still have good medical care, good education and good services, which enable them to improve their standard of living and social position. For others, on the other hand, who form the overwhelming majority, everything has deteriorated (to a greater or lesser extent, depending on their country): healthcare, welfare, transport, schools, universities, etc. This includes the possibility of improvement and competing for important social positions with the wealthiest.
What can we do? The first step is a culture battle to uncover the hoax, contest those who tell lies, and prompt governments to act accordingly: it’s only by fighting evasion that taxes can be cut for those who pay them. We must remember above all that taxes, however annoying, are the necessity without which we will lose our quality of life and will not have the means to face the challenges of the future.
The reason that paying taxes is useful and fair. A clear manual, rich in data and information, that debunks the liberal myth that favours only the wealthiest.
Roberto Seghetti is a journalist interested in economics
and politics (he has worked for the publications Agi, Paese
Sera, Il Messaggero and Panorama). He has been Secretary of
the Rome Press Association and head of the Press Federation,
as well as finance spokesperson at the Ministry of Economics
from 2006 to 2008. He has been head of the MA in
Journalism course at Lumsa University and, from 2010 to
2013, press office manager for the Italian Democratic Party.
He has written essays on the topic of information.
Pub date: May 2024
Length: 240 pp
Rai 3
Quante storie
Aprire le imposte
La 7
Intervista a Roberto Seghetti
Coffee Break
La Repubblica
Appuntamenti: Le tasse sono utili
La 7 - Otto e Mezzo
Paolo Pagliaro
Perché le tasse sono utili
Paolo Pagliaro
Il bello delle tasse
Gazzetta di Parma
Il ruolo sociale ed economico delle tasse
Appunti - di Stefano Feltri
Stefano Feltri
Il senso delle tasse
Radio 24 - Il Sole 24 Ore
Dino Pesole
La curva di Laffer e il liberismo anni '80
Corrado Chimonito
Niente favole, le tasse sono utili
Vegolosi Magazine
Libri divorabili
Cultura Bologna
9 ottobre: Le tasse sono utili
La Repubblica
Eventi del 9 ottobre a Bologna e dintorni: la Parigi di Ocelot al Modernissimo
Eventi italiani
Presentazione libro: Le tasse sono utili - Roberto Seghetti
Il Resto del Carlino
Cosa fare oggi a Bologna: gli appuntamenti di mercoledì 9 ottobre 2024