Emma is thirty-six, has lived in London for twelve years and one morning wakes up to the realisation that she is an adult: she has a steady cat, a steady partner and a steady job at a prestigious university. She is even about to buy a house. Everything she used to call “the future” is here and now. What has brought her to this specific stage in life? What makes up her identity? It is around this question that, on a day like any other, the experiences that have marked her journey revolve: her family, her relationship with men and sex, her rapport with other women and, last but not least, the irresolvable matter of motherhood. Emma knows she has changed, and yet she still harbours doubts about her growth and evolution. Carolina Bandinelli takes us on a fast generational ride involving expats and desires, contamination and comfort, feminism and self-awareness, and never feeling good enough and not being – in spite of everything – the best. An eclectic debut full of humour and musings about the world.
Carolina Bandinelli, is Associate Professor in Media and Creative Industries at the
University of Warwick. She has contributed to cultural debates,
both in Italy and abroad, for ten years, with her views
on creative work, desire and digital media. Her research
has been featured internationally, including on the BBC, in
the New York Times and El Pais. In 2024 she wrote Le Postromantiche:
sui nuovi modi di amare (published by Laterza), a personal
essay on the culture of love and sex.
Pub date: September 2024
Length: pp. 224
Il posto delle parole
Livio Partiti
Carolina Bandinelli “La più brava”
Scrittori a domicilio
Chiara Palumbo
Carolina Bandinelli, 'La più brava'
Libri nell'aria
Laura Salvadori
'La più brava' di Carolina Bandinelli
Blow Up
Matteo Moca
La più brava
Corriere della Sera - La 27esima ora
Silvia Morosi
Appunti per cambiare rotta
Il rifugio dell'ircocervo
Stiven Zaka Cobani
Il desiderio di essere 'La più brava'
Rai News
Puntata del 06/10/2024 - Dal minuto 4.11
Tg2 Achab Libri
Fahrenheit- Rai Radio 3
Carolina Bandinelli
Il libro del giorno
La Bottega di Hamlin
La più brava: l’esordio di Carolina Bandinelli
Il Libraio
Carolina Bandinelli
Chi sono le più brave?
Valeria Parrella
Emozioni protagoniste
Nadeesha Uyangoda
Una giornata a Londra
Il mestiere di leggere
Pina Bertoli
Carolina Bandinelli, La più brava
Universo letterario
Flavia Capoano
Chi é davvero “La più brava”, di Carolina Bandinelli
Marina Cecchetti
“La piú brava”, di Carolina Bandinelli
Francesca Faccani
Rientro letterario: i 10 libri che ti aspettano al ritorno dalle vacanze