Elsa Morante stayed on the island of Procida for extended periods from the late 1940s to the early 1980s. It was precisely Morante’s encounter with the enchanting island of Procida that kindled the initial spark of inspiration for her masterpiece, Arturo’s Island, which won the Strega Prize in 1957. Elsa Morante dreamt of Procida much like a ship that carries you away from life’s anxieties, bestowing happiness and salvation. In Elsa’s Sea reveals the sweetness of a magical and scarcely repeatable alchemical fusion between a place and a soul, both passionate and fragile. Her days on the island are told through the voices of those who still remember her or cherish their inherited memories and a distant dialogue with Gea who traces her footsteps on the island reveals a portrayal of Elsa Morante’s complex and tormented personality.
“Two women. The subtle rhythm of two hearts that have never met but beat as one. Two women and their words, like the sound of the sea against rocks.“.
Maurizio De Giovanni
Gea Finelli has contributed to several prominent Italian
newspapers and magazines, including Il Mattino, L’Espresso,
F, Natural Style, Viversani e Belli and Repubblica, as well as
Vatican Radio. She has also created and hosted television
programmes and initiated a literary award. This is her
debut book.
Pub date: July 2023
Length: 176 pp
La Repubblica - D
Valentina Farinaccio
Scherzando con le onde
Claudio Ciccarone
Il Leggilibri - Il vestito delle donne
La Repubblica
Pier Luigi Razzano
Elsa Morante, il romanzo della sua vita a Procida
Il Mattino
Ugo Cundari
Finelli, la geografia sentimentale dell'isola di Elsa
Rai Play
Gigi Marzullo
Mille e unlibro - Scrittori in TV (minuto 45.00)
Massimo Onofri
Procida e le fonti creative in vacanza
Il Sole 24 Ore
Enza Campino
Velisti, fari ed Elsa nel mare di Procida
Alessandra Stoppini
Nel mare di Elsa di Gea Finelli
Conquiste del lavoro
Alessandro Moscè
L'isola di Elsa Morante
Lucia libri
Giovanni Leti
Come l’arcaica e magica Procida rapì il cuore di Elsa Morante
Radio LatteMiele
Gherarda Cerone
Interevista a Gea Finelli
Il Giorno
Maria Rita Parsi
Cinque regole fondamentali per imparare a rispettare le donne
Corriere del Mezzogiorno
Natascia Festa
Procida, la mappa sentimentale di Elsa Morante
Connie Bandini
Nel mare di Elsa
Elsa Morante e Procida, in un libro il profondo legame
Il Mattino
Elsa Morante e Procida: il libro di Gea Finelli si presenta alla Feltrinelli Napoli
Elsa Morante e Procida, il ritratto di Gea Finelli alla Feltrinelli
Il Mattino
'Nel mare di Elsa' di Gea Finelli, da Foqus incontro con l'autrice