Sullivan lives in a shack, for most of his life he hasn’t done anything special: then he started to die and hasn’t stopped since. We are in the southern United States and the small town is overwhelmed by the Sullivan phenomenon, a man who dies all the time: because of accidents, because of a shooting, killing himself. Sullivan’s corpses fill the town morgue and Sheriff Smid, who loves swimming, hot dogs and solacing himself, is forced despite himself to deal with the affair. A chain of bizarre, paranormal, mystical events upsets the small community. The Sullivan cult is born with a sect in tow, journalists invade the village and the FBI tries to understand the faults and crimes. A novel that plays with American fiction and TV series: witty, sarcastic and unmissable.
Gianfranco Mammi was born in Venezuela but has has almost always lived in Modena, where he graduated in law. He has already published several novels for small publishers and his stories have appeared in newspapers and magazines, including Linus, Tèchne, Panta, L’Accalappiacani, Griselda, Almanac Quodlibet
Pub date: April 2021
Length: 336pp
Gianluca Garrapa
Intervista a Gianfranco Mammi
Amanda Rosso
Di decessi, morti e divinità
Perle e Cicatrici
Raul Schenardi
Recensione Nostra Signora dei Sullivan
Giuditta Legge
Giuditta Casale
Dieci Buoni Motivi per NON leggere “Nostra Signora dei Sullivan”
Il Rifugio dell'Ircocervo
Anja Boato
Vite, morti e miracoli di “Nostra Signora dei Sullivan”
Maria Anna Patti
Il castello americano delle illusioni
Da sapere
Elena Torre
Presto in libreria Nostra Signora dei Sullivan
Amanda Rosso
Di decessi, morti e divinità
Quarte di copertine
Luca Da Col
Recensione di Nostra Signora dei Sullivan di Gianfranco Mammi
Un uomo qualunque che muore tante volte. Il romanzo di Mammi a “ Les Bouquinistes”
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