The story takes place in Girifalco, a little town near Catanzaro, in Calabria, during the months before July 20th 1969, the day of mankind’s landing on the Moon. The main character is a postman, one of the many literary character who play the role of the inepts: he’s a man without qualities, affected with an inner inability in truly living his own life. Therefore, thanks to his profession and to a peculiar natural gift – his ability in reproducing anyone’s handwriting – he lives through other people’s life (but also inside his own memory of some old events): he reads and keeps away, by copying them, all of the letters coming inside and going outside Girifalco, moreover, he sometimes rewrites them, intervening in his fellows’ destiny. To say it with the author’s words, he “found an adeguate consolation in others’ paper lives”. When he opens a sealed envelope (a love letter addressed to some Maria Teresa, or maybe – who knows – some Teresa), the story sets off, in a concatenation of events tangled up together in different ways. Through homonymies and misinterpretations, considerations about the real meaning of life and unfathomable rules of fate, through a series of unlikely coincidences, the parallel and secret stories (tragic ill-fated love stories, emigrations, separations) of his countrymen, along with an affair of political corruption, fraud and land exploitation (Mount Covello deforestation, in return for a mythical factory), up to the conclusive solution of the various bindings of the story.
A novel somehow out of time, with a style harmoniously swinging from a very high literary to dialectal (Calabrian) expressions, in a continuous flow between classical references (the three old twin ladies, echoing the Fates, the postman recalling Hermes) and country culture and superstitions (the jinx). The author, with his melancholy gaze on the world, on mankind, on love, manages to raise this microcosm to change it into a universe where anyone can find everlasting human passions and emotions.
Domenico Dara was born in Catanzaro on February 2nd 1971. Brief essay on coincidences is his literary debut, widely acclaimed by critics and readers, that has won various awards, among them: Premio Palmi, Premio Viadana, Premio Corrado Alvaro and Premio Città di Como. He also was finalist at the prestigious Premio Calvino.
Pub date: May 2014
Length: 352 pp
Il Fatto Quotidiano
Daniela Ranieri
Coincidenze? No, ho letto il tuo tweet
Il Sole 24 Ore
Giuseppe Ceretti
Le vite degli altri riscritte dalle coincidenze
Il Venerdì
Marzia Fontana
Senza privacy le lettere sono più belle
L'Indice dei libri del mese
Ernesto Ferrero
Le gioie si gustano nell’assenza
La Lettura
Ermanno Paccagnini
Il postino vive sempre due volte
Vins Gallico
Se il mito non c’è bisogna inventarlo
Quotidiano Nazionale
Nicoletta Magnoni
Il postino che aggiustava le vita dei compaesani
Francesco De Filippo
Il postino di Dara e le vite degli altri
Sono le coincidenze a guidare il nostro destino
Corriere Adriatico
Dara ci riporta al tempo delle lettere scritte a mano
Corriere Calabria
Sergio Pelaia
Il segreto del postino
Il Sole 24 ore
Paola di libraio
Four magazine
Il "breve trattato sulle coincidenze” di Domenico Dara
Gazzetta del Sud
Antonio Stranglo
Il Premio "Corrado Alvaro” dato a scrittori e ricercatori
Gazzetta di Mantova
Premio Viadana
Il Mattino
Il postino di Dara e le coincidenze
Il Quotidiano del Sud
Dario Conidi
L’M5S guarda alle comunali
Simone Gambacorta
Il postino scrive (di nascosto) sempre due volte
La balena bianca
Breve trattato sulle filosofie mancate
La presenza di Èrato
Maria Grazia Trivigno
La Provincia
Vita letteraria di un postino curioso
Anna Brandiferro
Un carosello di personaggi
Gazzetta del Sud
Domenico Nunnari
La Calabria che non c'è più rivive a Girifalco
Andrea Bressa
Esordio da non perdere: "Breve trattato sulle coincidenze”
Il Quotidiano
Alessia Burdino
In libreria il postino di Girifalco
Il Quotidiano
Isabella Marchiolo
Apparenti casualità
Francesca Ferraro
Vincitore XX Premio Viadana 2015
Vincitore XII Premio Corrado Alvaro 2015, sezione Opera Prima
Vincitore II Premio Città di Como 2015, sezione Esordienti
Vincitore XIX Premio Palmi 2014
Finalista XXVI Premio Italo Calvino 2013