Joseph Conrad is puzzled when his latest novel, The Return, is not well received by publishers and critics. The book tells the story of a woman abandoning her husband for another man. She leaves a letter to explain him her decision, but soon after she regrets her choice and returns home. Conrad himself has recently moved to a quiet place in the countryside where at that moment everybody seems to be scandalised when a woman leaves the house where she used to live with her husband, son and father in law.
Milan, nowadays, a contemporary artist is staging The Return. She married a career-driven manager, but she now feels tired, disappointed by their relation mostly based on formalities at that point. She then determines to leave him, but after spending the whole day tormented in doubts she finally returns home hoping that he had not read her farewell letter.
Giuliano Gallini was born in Ferrara and lives in Padua. He is a manager in one of the largest Italian service companies and deals with the company’s development, strategic marketing, communication and cultural policies. Nutrimenti has published his first novel, Il confine di Giulia (Giulia’s limit) and Il secondo ritorno (The Second Return).
Pub date: November 2018
Length: 176 pp
Maria Anna Patti
Il secondo ritorno
Succede Oggi
Doppio Conrad
Arturo Belluardo
La Nuova di Venezia
Enzo Favero
Sei finalisti per il Comisso
Libri a Colacione
Chiara Beretta Mazzotta
Libri a colacione-Il secondo ritorno
Premio Comisso
Ginevra Amadio
Il secondo ritorno. Intervista a Giuliano Gallini
Gazzetta di Reggio
Chiara Cabanna
La capacità di Gallini di leggere dentro il cuore delle donne
La lettrice geniale
Elena Giorgi
Il secondo ritorno, di Giuliano Gallini
Gianluigi Bodi
Giuliano Gallini – Il secondo ritorno
Il Fatto Quotidiano
Vins Gallico
Torna a casa, scrittore: il passato è più sicuro
Il Giornale
Davide Brullo
Un dittico raffinato con l’ aiuto di Joseph Conrad
Il Mattino
“Il secondo ritorno”, incontro
La Repubblica (MIlano)
Una giornata con Joseph Conrad
Il secondo ritorno
Ritorno doppio Conrad
Doppio Conrad
Giuliano Gallini presenta "Il secondo ritorno"
Vuoi risolvere definitivamente la tua crisi di coppia? Usa il metodo di Joseph Conrad