“The problem, she had concluded, is us, our generation: we are incapable of growing up. It’s not that we don’t want to or can’t – it’s that we’re actually incapable of it.”
She is green and sharp, like a young tree. The spine protruding through her T-shirt looks like a mountainous landscape, the tallest peaks rising like so many goals to be reached.
As I watched the tourists sitting on the low walls by the flowerbeds or buying not very typical souvenirs and dodged questions about life in the times of the tyrant Dionysius, I felt more than ever out of place.
The extraordinary debut novel by a young author who writes in order to settle scores with his larger-than-life grandfather, a 'man of honor'.
The she-cyclopes see the world through one eye only: just when they run after happiness, they claim their right to unhappiness.
Embarking on a letter-long journey through memory, love, and life.