Tresa was educated by her father to be silent and disciplined. She must resemble completely to Gero, her twin brother: same clothes and same composure. Nobody seems to care about her being a girl. But when her father abandons both of them to their aunt, things begin to change. Most of all is the relationship between brother and sister that becomes more and more difficult, because – acknowledging her femininity – the aunt creates a big distance between them. When the aunt takes the twins to work in a piece of land she owns in the countryside, Tresa welcomes this chance as a liberation, because school has become a cage of hardship for her: everyone says she’s like an anchovy, graceless and not suitable for the table of the rich. That land and that house will be theatre of Tresa’s first dangerous romance, the discover of her body, of shame and… secrets. The rule of silence endures in her family. The less you say the better. In the silence Tresa will have to find a way to build herself, to understand what grief and confront are, what is a woman and what one has to face when growing up.
In this novel Lorena Spampinato paints the coming of age of a young girl in the fearful world of adults and their misdeeds, and she does so through a musical, elegant language and a frank writing, dark and yet bright.
Lorena Spampinato was born in Catania in 1990. At the age of 18 she publishes her debut novel La prima volta che ti ho rivisto (Fanucci editore, 2008) and she moves to Rome, where she continues her writing activity while studying at the University and working as a journalist. She is now an editor and press agent.
Pub date: June 2023.
Length: 192pp
Lorena Spampinato presenta
"Il silenzio dell’acciuga"
Lorena Spampinato
Video presentazione
La Repubblica
Filippo La Porta
Educazione siciliana
Il manifesto
Laura Marzi
Storia di Tresa, “mascolina” alla ricerca dell’autonomia
D - La Repubblica
Francesca Frediani
Romanzi di un’Italia minore
Radio 3 - Fahrenheit
Loredana Lipperini
Fahrenheit – libro del giorno
Il Foglio
Simonetta Sciandivasci
Una fogliata di libri: Il silenzio dell’acciuga
La Repubblica (Palermo)
Nadia Terranova
Storia di “Tresa”: com’è difficile diventare donna
Minima & Moralia
Alice Pisu
Sulla disobbedienza. “Il silenzio dell’acciuga” di Lorena Spampinato
Gazzetta del Sud
Francesco Musolino
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Il silenzio dell’acciuga
Casa Lettori
Intervista all’autrice
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Corriere della Sera
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la Repubblica
Raffaella De Santis
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Diario di una dipendenza
Michele Del Vecchio
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Icon Magazine
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Generoso Picone
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Il Messaggero
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La Sicilia
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